The view(s) on intercultural competence at a European and a national level – a case study
early school education, English language textbooks, European level, foreign language education, intercultural competence, national level, the CEFRAbstract
Owing to the growing importance of the notion of “intercultural competence”1 (hereafter “IC”), especially in the field of foreign language education, the present paper aims at analysing the view(s) on this concept at both a European and a national level. The research at the former level will be based on the content analysis of the CEFR (Council of Europe, 2001). Particular emphasis will be put on the features of IC and its interrelations with other language-related competences and categories, such as knowledge, or skills. Subsequently, the outcomes of the performed analysis will be compared with the view(s) on IC included in a selected English language textbook (hereafter “ELT”) for early school education in Poland. The research not only illustrates the complexity of IC, but it also highlights its elements at each level. Finally, possible solutions aimed at providing greater coherence between the two perspectives can be offered.References
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