communication, dialogue, feelings, medical personnel, patient, personalism, professional distanceAbstract
Hospitalisation is often a moment of rebellion or at least of incomprehension. In such a situation the medical personnel has a fundamental role not only to treat but also to dialogue with the patient, to provide information, and to assist in accepting a given situation. In this paper the author introduces the concept of a correct distance as a space for dialogue between the medical staff and the patient. The article emphasizes in particular the personalistic character of this dialogue which always protects the human being and valorises his or her humanity and dignity. The distance is necessary for creation of a relationship which would be appropriate and focused on the personal welfare of both the staff, and the ill person. The paper shows that the distance is not a lack of feelings, indifference, or coldness. On the contrary, it is a space for proper dialogue, based on the respect of both the sick person and the staff. It must be said that the personalistic approach is the basis of the right distance because it presumes the dignity of the human being, his or her freedom, the respect for the body and the spiritual dimension that always favours the humanity of each person. After all, a doctor or a nurse are judged precisely on the basis of their humanity and not only on their professionalism and proficiency.
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