A Heretical Reading of Arendt: The Space of Thinking
https://doi.org/10.12775/33066Słowa kluczowe
Arendt, Heidegger, Husserl, Kant, Plato, Patočka, thinkingAbstrakt
Hannah Arendt’s project is defined by her attempt to rethink the space of freedom, concomitant with the importance of action and the problematic nature of modern ‘objective’ knowledge. In this paper, I consider Arendt’s analyses of the vita contemplativa, focusing mainly on her discussion of the mental faculty she calls thinking, which she situates in opposition to modern knowledge. I conclude that her reflections on thinking depend on Immanuel Kant’s philosophy and that we should reconsider Arendt, via this thinking, as a disciple of Jaspers and Kant.
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