Zetetic Cruise
About Dariusz Kubok Research on Criticism
criticism, skepticism, zeteticism, early Greek philosophy, Dariusz KubokAbstract
The aim of this paper is a systematic reflection and an attempt to evaluate Dariusz Kubok’s research on criticism related to the monograph Criticism, Skepticism and Zeteticism in Early Greek Philosophy, which problematizes criticism from a philosophical perspective and presents a new interpretation paradigm of early Greek philosophy. The article consists of three parts. The first introduces part of the publications of the Polish Researcher, which is the way to his main work. The second discusses the magnum opus’s problem, method, and structure. The third evaluates the importance of research—its significance from a philosophical and general humanistic perspective.
Kubok Dariusz. 2004. Prawda i mniemania. Studium filozofii Parmenidesa z Elei. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
Kubok Dariusz. 2009. „Allocriticism and Autocriticism in the Views of Xenophanes of Colophon”. Littera Antiqua 10: 261–281.
Kubok Dariusz. 2015. „Comments on the Sources of Greek Philosophical Criticism”. Folia Philosophica. Forms of Criticism in Philosophy and Science: Special Issue 34: 9–31.
Kubok Dariusz. 2016. „Parmenides’ Methodological Criticism and the Problem of Phronesis”. Filozofia 71: 345–356.
Kubok Dariusz. 2016. „Xenophanes of Colophon and the Problem of Distinguishing between Scepticism and Negative Dogmatism”. Electryone. A Journal of Classical Studies and the Ancient Mediterranean World 2: 31–53.
Kubok Dariusz. 2017. „Poza Skyllą i Charybdą. Problem fallibilistycznej wykładni poglądów Ksenofanesa”. Ruch Filozoficzny 73: 79–100.
Kubok Dariusz. 2018. „Conversation and Conservation: Two Kinds of Anti-Dogmatic Criticism in the Philosophy of Politics and their Antecedents in Ancient Greek Forms of Skepticism and Fallibilism”. W: Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean?: The Tradition of Philosophical Criticism and Its Forms in the European History of Ideas, red. Dariusz Kubok, 73–92. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter.
Kubok Dariusz. 2018. „Critical Thinking and Philosophical Criticism: An Outline of the Problem”. W: Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean?: The Tradition of Philosophical Criticism and Its Forms in the European History of Ideas., red. Dariusz Kubok, 1–10. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter.
Kubok Dariusz. 2018. „Problem antecedencji fallibilizmu w poglądach Karneadesa”. Analiza i Egzystencja 41: 5–24.
Kubok Dariusz (red.). 2018. Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean?: The Tradition of Philosophical Criticism and Its Forms in the European History of Ideas. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter.
Kubok Dariusz. 2020. „Kilka uwag o modelach zetetycznych w filozofii polityki: Voegelin – Strauss”. Horyzonty Polityki 35: 125–143.
Kubok Dariusz. 2021. Krytycyzm, sceptycyzm i zetetycyzm we wczesnej filozofii greckiej. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
Kubok Dariusz. 2021. „The Topographies of the Philosophical Path, or on the Consequences of Not Wearing Shoes”. Er(r)go 43: 253–277.
Kubok Dariusz. 2022. „Filozofia a polityka: lekcje z Oakeshotta, Bradatana i Sokratesa”. Horyzonty Polityki, 45: 183–201.
Kubok Dariusz. 2022. „Kant and Zetetic Scepticism”. Ruch Filozoficzny 78: 7–25.
Long Anthony A. 1996. „Parmenides on Thinking Being”. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 12: 127–128.
„Nominowani w Konkursie”. W: Konkurs o Nagrodę imienia Jana Długosza. Dostęp 1.03.2023. https://dlugosz.krakow.pl/pl/nominowani.html.
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