As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
This text has not been previously published and/or submitted in another publishing house.
The file is saved in Microsoft Word (doc) or RTF format.
The text of the publication is in Times New Roman (12-point font size), spacing 1,5 (for long block quotations: Times New Roman 11 and spacing 1,0).
Possible sources of the work funding are listed in the publication in a place required by editorial rules. In the submitted work there appear no ghostwriting, guest-authorship and/or conflict of interest. The author is acquainted with the current procedures of texts’ reviewing in the journal.
The author agrees to the terms and conditions of the License Contract with Nicolaus Copernicus University. The content of the agreement is available HERE. With regard to the joint publication, the author submitting an article for publication fills in a statement concerning the percentage contribution, in which the contributions of particular co-authors in the submitted text are given. The content of the work is known to all its authors who give permission for it to be published. The completed statement must be uploaded as an additional file along with the article.
The author submitting an article fills in a declaration concerning the compliance with ethical rules; with regard to the joint publication, the information concerning the percentage contribution, in which the contributions of particular co-authors in the submitted text is given. The content of the work is known to all its authors who give permission for it to be published. The completed statement must be uploaded as an additional file along with the article.
Author Guidelines
Texts to be published in “Ruch Filozoficzny” quarterly should be submitted in a document file format, i.e. *.rtf or *.doc.
The file should not exceed the limit of 40 000 characters with spaces. However, the Editorial Board reserves the right to publish longer texts at its own discretion.
Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt. Bold and italics are allowed. Do not use underline. Line spacing: 1.5 lines. Do not leave blank lines, divide words, or use any special formatting.
Texts should include a list of references.
Authors of the articles sent are kindly asked to observe if their texts meet the quarterly criteria of footnotes and bibliography style.
Texts should be accompanied by key words and an abstract. Texts written in Polish should be accompanied by an abstract in Polish and English, and a title in English.
Texts written in a language different than Polish can also be printed in a form of a translation to Polish (translations are commissioned by the Editorial Board).
It is recommended to maintain the classical structure of a scientific article with a clear division into the following parts: (1) introduction including the topic of the text, (2) materials and methods, (3) results and (4) discussion (IMRaD). The article should be provided with an abstract containing an explicit indication of obtained results, key words and bibliography. It is also required to provide accurate information on the sources of funding (if applicable).
„Ghost writing” is when someone makes a substantial contribution to a publication but their name is neither disclosed as the one of an author nor mentioned in the acknowledgements included in the publication.
“Guest authorship” or “honorary authorship” is when one claims to be an author or a co-author of a publication, although their contribution to it is insignificant or none.
The Editorial Board endeavours to eliminate the phenomena of dishonesty and scientific misconduct (i.e. “ghost writing” and “guest authorship”).
The Editorial Board requires authors to disclose authors’ individual contributions to the publication. (The author who submits the manuscript is held responsible for the disclosure.)
Any instances of detected scientific misconduct will be revealed, including notification of relevant institutions (the author’s employer, scientific societies, science editors’ associations, etc.)
The Editorial Board requires authors to provide information about means of funding the publication, the contribution of research institutions, associations and other entities (“financial disclosure”).
The Editorial Board records any detected signs of scientific misconduct, especially the instances of breaching or violating ethical rules of research.
Every author is required to sign an agreement with the Publisher, confirming the originality and authenticity of the submitted text, translation, or study. The agreement template can be downloaded HERE. Two copies of the completed and signed template should be sent to the Editorial Board.
Declaration concerning compliance with ethical standards can be downloaded HERE.
The Publisher does not pay royalties to the authors for the texts accepted for publication in the journal.
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