Traditional Kitchen as a factor in the development of tourism in the region as an example Krajna
traditional kitchen, tourism, Krajna.Abstract
This study concerns the impact of values of the local traditional cuisine on the development of tourism. In this perspective, the region has been designated a cultural Krajny called. land border. It is taken to discuss this issue because of the need and obligation at the same time learn from the cultural heritage for the benefit of the development of society. An example of this giving impetus to the development of tourism may be the use of flavors and aromas of the old Polish cuisine as a tourist attracting tourists.
The aim of the research is to determine the impact of cultural and ethnic values of the region (regional cuisine) to develop a tourism function in the region
for example Krajna. The area was chosen because of the interest in the subject of promoting elements of folk culture and the feasibility of the topic including their competence, time and technical means. Not without significance is also co-author of his own experience, which initially was the recipient of media folk art, and also
the animator.
Problems and hypotheses
According to the research problem (Frakfort-Nachmias 2001) is an impressive intellectual stimulus response in the form of research. The research problem can be established as an affirmative sentence or questioning, and the same formulation of the problem is to determine the questions that have either no response, or it is not sufficiently precise. It is formulated using specific terms that reflect the empirical phenomena.
The hypothesis of the research is preliminary answer to the stated problem, giving up empirically (to be verified in the course of research).
In this paper, the following research problems and hypotheses:
The root problem:
1. What is the degree of impact on the traditional increase in interest in the region by both potential tourists and locals?
Specific problems:
1. What is the level of interest in regional cuisine among the inhabitants of the provinces mainly Wielkopolska, Pomerania and Kujawy-Pomerania (on grounds of administrative Krajna)?
2. What is the knowledge of traditional Polish dishes and regional authorities?
3. Is the public awareness for the concept tavern-style restaurant offering regional food?
4. Is Krajna as a cultural region is recognizable?
5. Are regional cuisine is attractive?
6. Does the attractiveness of regional cuisine can be a decisive factor in choosing a vacation destination or travel?
7. Do the methods promote regional produce sufficient?
Main hypothesis:
1. It is assumed that the degree of impact on the traditional increase in interest in the region by both potential tourists and locals is high.
Hypotheses particulars:
1. It is assumed that the level of interest in regional cuisine among the inhabitants of the provinces of Wielkopolska, Pomerania and Kujawy-Pomerania (on grounds of administrative Krajny) is at a medium level.
2. It is assumed that knowledge of traditional Polish dishes and regional is at a medium level.
3. It is assumed that in the public consciousness, moderate operating concept restaurant type inn offering regional food.
4. It is assumed that Krajna as a cultural region is recognizable.
5. It is assumed that the regional cuisine is attractive.
6. It is assumed that the attractiveness of regional cuisine can be a decisive factor
the choice of vacation destination or travel to a high degree.
7. It is assumed that the methods of promoting regional products are insufficient.
Methods, techniques and tools of measurement
The research methods used in this study are: diagnostic survey,
and as the main technique adopted surveys, a questionnaire consisting of
with 6 questions, most of them closed was completed online by 117 respondents attempt. The research was to measure the level of knowledge about regional dishes and interest Krajná as a cultural region. Due to the high rating the attractiveness of traditional dishes of regional cuisine, it was decided to confirm the point of the survey with the help of techniques to support the research process, which are observation and interview-free terrain. Observations and interview free- terrain, which were to some extent the consumer survey, conducted on a sample of 52 people taken care of is that this attempt was represented by people of all ages living in the countryside and in the city.
Research Results and Discussion
Characteristics of the study group / trials
Surveys were conducted on a sample of 117 people with simple random sampling, in the age group 19-30 years. These people are residents of the provinces of Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Pomorskie. The respondents came from both rural and urban areas.
verification of hypotheses
Verification carried out based on the combined results of the research showed that confirmed seven of the eight established hypotheses.
Hypothesis No. 1 assuming that the degree of impact on the traditional increase in interest in the region by both potential tourists and locals alike is high, fully confirmed the.
Hypothesis No. 2 assuming that the level of interest in regional cuisine among the inhabitants of the provinces of Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Pomorskie is at the average level, has not confirmed the
Hypothesis 3 assuming that the knowledge of traditional Polish dishes and regional authorities is at the average level, confirmed the.
Hypothesis No. 4 assuming that in the public consciousness, moderate operating concept restaurant type inn offers regional food, a confirmed.
Hypothesis No. 5 assuming that Krajna as a cultural region is recognized, confirmed the.
Hypothesis No. 6 assuming that the regional cuisine is attractive, confirmed the. Respondents assessed the regional cuisine as particularly attractive.
Hypothesis No. 7 assuming that the attractiveness of regional cuisine can be a decisive factor in choosing a vacation destination or travel to a high degree, confirmed the.
Hypothesis No. 8 assuming that the methods of promoting regional products are not sufficient to confirmed.
As a result of the analysis of the research were formulated following conclusions:
1. The attractiveness of dishes prepared according to traditional recipes, using natural ingredients positively influence the choice of vacation destination or travel.
2. Regional traditional cuisine is part of a highly attractive and as such can affect the development of cultural tourism, and tourism in general in the studied area.
3. An important role in the dissemination of traditional and regional cuisine are restaurants, inns and taverns that cultivate the local tradition through the décor and regional cuisine.
4. Regional cuisine can be an excellent complement to other tourism products, in particular those related to national heritage and local cultural tourism.
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