Detailed analysis of a 240-second cycle ergometric test in middle-distance runners aged 16-19
training, exercise stress tests, middle-distance runningAbstract
Introduction. Middle-distance runs are endurance events that include the distances from 600 m up to 1609 m. The objective of the research is to determine work capabilities in acid and lactic conditions, measured by means of a 240-second test in young junior (16-17 years of age) and junior (18-19 years of age) runners at middle distances and to compare maximum lactate concentrations and maximum heart rate after 60-second and 240-second tests of the subjects.
Methods. The research included 20 competitors aged 16-17 and 12 competitors aged 18-19. During the test period all subjects were training in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province sport clubs. In order to determine work capabilities in acid-lactic conditions, a 240-second cycle ergometric laboratory test was applied. The obtained results were worked out using basic descriptive statistics: arithmetic average (M), standard deviation (± δ), minimum (min) and maximum values and coefficient of variation (V%).
Results. The results obtained made it possible to characterize the subjects in terms of work capabilities at a high level of lactic acid in blood during middle-long effort. An in-depth investigation of the collected material might prove useful when planning training loads for work on special stamina.
Conclusions. A set of criteria presented in the paper, detailing work and power obtained during a 240- second cycle ergometer might be used by trainers in a sport training process to assess individual function predisposition.
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