Furniture with biographies: Minimalism, recycling and nostalgia in contemporary practices of dwelling
practices of dwelling, item biographies, minimalism, nostalgia, socialismAbstract
The paper presents a reflection on relations between people and material objects based on the results of ethnographic research on practices of dwelling within the space of Polish cities. The main subject of the analyses undertaken by the author are the ways in which furniture dating to the period of The Polish People’s Republic (PRL) functions in contemporary residential interiors, as objects with a rich cultural biography, which actively participate in contemporary practices of dwelling and play an important role in building the sense of identity of their current owners and users. The author perceives links between a nostalgic return to artefacts from the period of PRL and current social problems and challenges, mainly the overproduction of things and the need to halt climate change. Nostalgia in these considerations is understood as a kind of defence mechanism against the accelerated rhythm of changes occurring in the world, including climate and environmental changes; it is also an expression of the contestation of thinking about human life solely through the prism of purely economic categories.
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