Unity and food in Pan Kuleczka stories’ series by Wojciech Widłak
children’s literature, Pan Kuleczka, Wojciech Widłak, food studies, Jonathan HaidtAbstract
In the present article I would like to analyse the way in which the family and their meals (what they eat and how they eat) are pictured in Pan Kuleczka stories’ series by Wojciech Widłak. Both eating and the variety of dishes have nowadays become a sort of supermetaphor, which involves different spheres of human activity. In a realistic convention chosen by Widłak, food is a part of everyday adventures of the story protagonists; it is their pleasure, an innocent weakness, a kind of consolation, a great metaphor of love in the family, always expressing an experience of the balance in family life. In my interpretation of the stories I will use concepts of eros and agape and apply basic terms of Jonathan Haidt’s theory of moral psychology.
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