Do we need fairytales? Representation of folktale and fairytale tradition in Polish plays for children and young adults
Folktale, fairytale, oral culture, contemporary plays for children and young adultsAbstract
In her essay, the author presents and analyzes different ways of representing the folktale and fairytale tradition in contemporary plays for children and young adults. In the beginning she recalls two dramas written by Marta Guśniowska: Baśń o Rycerzu bez konia (2004) and Ony… (2013). Time of their publication designates a time-frame when folktale and fairytale tradition was particularly inspiring for Polish playwrights. In the first of her works, Guśniowska deconstructs well-known leitmotivs and characters so as to entertain the audience. In the second one she abuses the wondrous nature of fairytale to speak about serious existential issues in a way which is understandable for a child. The second part of the essay is dedicated to Russian folktale tradition developed by Vladimir Propp and represented in play of Jarosław Jakubowski Wielka podróż Malinowego Królika. The last playwright whois mentioned in the essay is Robert Jarosz. Three dramas of whom are deeply embedded in both particular histories and the oral culture. The fact that all the mentioned dramas are – in
some way – the reinterpretation of well-known stories leads Agata Drwięga to the conclusion that each of the playwrights, who refer in his or her work to folktale and fairytale tradition,
repeats the gesture of singer described by Albert Bates Lord.
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