Ligawa Playing in the Lublin Region: Contemporary Discoveries and Continuation of a Local Musical Practice
traditional music in the Lublin region, ligawa playing, building of folk musical instruments, aerophones in folk culture, reconstruction of intangible cultural heritageAbstract
The article presents the most recent research on the reactivation of an old musical tradition in the Lublin region, called “trumpet blowing at Advent.” This custom is connected with playing an aerophone named ligawa and with a local practice of making this instrument. The ligawa or ligawka has an eventful history of presence in Poland. In the folk culture, it is associated with the signalling function widespread among shepherds in the mountains. The current research is focused on the ritual practice connected with the liturgical period of Advent in the Roman Catholic Church. The presence of this custom has been confirmed in the neighbouring regions of Mazowsze and Podlasie.
The author reviews the ethnographical descriptions of the ritual ligawa playing in the Lublin region and compares them with the results of her own field research conducted in villages near Lublin since 2008. The author attempts to answer the question to which extent contemporary societies are able to revive and practise on a regular basis forgotten rites of the musical character. In the study contains examples of documented instruments, descriptions of instrument playing circumstances and profiles of the depositaries of this tradition: ligawa players and makers from the Lublin region.
The discussed subject is part of a broader discussion on the issues of preserving and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and – due to its topicality – requires continuation and comparison with similar undertakings in the field of revival of local musical practices.
Key words: traditional music in the Lublin region, ligawa playing, building of folk musical instruments, aerophones in folk culture, reconstruction of intangible cultural heritage
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