Publishing terms
Submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editor. Manuscripts that do not meet the basic requirements for publication, as well as those that are incomplete or inconsistent rules, the Editor sends them back (rejects) to authors without substantive assessment. Manuscripts that meet the basic conditions for publication are registered and are then submitted for evaluation by two independent reviewers. The reviewers' opinions will be sent to the authors, who are asked to respond to the comments. After receiving a positive review, the Editorial Board qualifies the paper for publication. The author receives the article for author's correction. The author's correction must be returned to the Editor within three working days. Otherwise, the article will be withdrawn from the journal. Changes in the author's proofreading are made at the author's responsibility.
The manuscript should be accompanied by the "Declaration Form and Criteria for Authorship" (one copy), "License Agreement" (two copies) and "Author's Statement" indicating that the work has not been previously published or submitted to the editor of another journal and that there is no conflict of interest between the parties. If the material has been previously published, it must be accompanied by written permission to republish from both the previous publisher and the authors of the original paper. The author also states his/her contribution to the paper according to the criteria on the form. Responsibility for the reliability of the information contained in the form lies with the authors of the paper, who are required to submit the Form by name.
All the articles published in the journal "Innovations in Nursing and Health Sciences" are based on a non-exclusive license granted by the Author(s) to the State University of Applied Sciences in Włocławek. This means that the copyright is not transferred, and thus the Author(s) retains the right to use the text, in accordance with the provisions of the license granted.
Before publication every artice is processed with antiplagiarism software (Similarity Check by Crossref).
On the basis of the agreement between Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun and State University of Applied Sciences in Wloclawek, articles are published on the Academic Journals Platform. The articles are distributed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Journal "Innovation in Nursing and Health Sciences" do not charge the authors any fees at any stage of the publishing process. Authors are not paid royalties for publishing their articles.
Author's Statement regarding the originality of the article, information clause (DOC)
Author's Statement regarding the originality of the article, information clause (PDF)
Form of Criteria for Authorship (DOC)
Form of Criteria for Authorship (PDF)