The quality of nursing care in the light of the opinions of caregivers of newborns stayingin the neonatology department
quality of care, newborn, neonatologyAbstract
Introduction. Improving one’s knowledge and skills is part of the nursing and midwifery profession. Therefore, it is worth focusing on the study of the quality of care, to know the opinion of patients. In this way, medical personnel will be able to improve the quality of their services.
Aim. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of quality of nursing care provided to newborns hospitalized in the neonatal unit and their caregivers.
Material and methods. As part of the master’s thesis in 2023, a study was initiated among the caregivers of newborns residing in the neonatology unit of the Bl. Priest Jerzy Popieluszko Regional Specialized Hospital in Włocławek, regarding the quality of life of nursing care provided in the unit. The approval of the bioethics committee was obtained prior to the study. Using the diagnostic survey method, the quality of nursing care was studied using questionnaires of our own design. The research procedure was also prepared using Part II of the Newcastle satisfaction scale. The survey was conducted among 100 people.
Results. With the help of the above-mentioned survey tools, it was shown that the age and place of residence of the caregiver does not affect his opinion on the quality of nursing care. Above and beyond this, the key importance for caregivers of newborns in assessing the quality of care is the display of empathy and interest on the part of the staff for both the child and the caregiver.
Conclusions. The results confirm that caregivers of newborns positively evaluate the quality of care in the neonatology unit (mean 81.48), if the medical staff will provide effective communication, evidence-based care and show empathy and understanding towards both the newborn and its caregivers.
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