Central puncture – implantation and risk of developing infections
central puncture, central vessels, infectionsAbstract
Introduction. The use of Central Vascular Catheters (CVC) during the treatment of critically ill patients, but also those requiring long-term treatment, is becoming a standard. The use of CVC allows the supply of infusion fluids, pharmacological agents, and parenteral nutrition. The choice of the method of central catheter implantation and its type should be based on clinical indications, purpose, and patient comfort. Eliminating risk factors for the development of infections reduces the costs generated by the patient, but also shortens his stay in the hospital.
Aim. The aim of the study is to present the types of central catheters, indications, and methods of implantation (CVC), as well as to indicate complications resulting from central vascular cannulation. This paper also contains information on the principles of central puncture care, good nursing practice and its impact on eliminating factors of infections resulting from implantation (CVC).
Materials and methods. The method used in the work is the analysis of literature.
Overview. Part of the daily care of the patient is the nursing supervision of the vascular catheter, the presence of which in the patient's body is an indispensable element of the hospital stay.
Conclusions. Central punctures are an integral part of the treatment of critically ill patients in intensive care units. The life of the puncture largely depends on the conduct of the nursing staff, which translates into the knowledge of the staff regarding the principles of central catheter care.
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