Nursing, supporting and educational role of a nurse towards a paediatric patient during urinary tract infection - case study
urinary tract infection, child, nursing process, nursing care, UTI, fever, individual, case study, ICNPAbstract
Introduction. Urinary tract infections are one of the most common causes of children staying in hospitals. The presence of bacteria in the urinary tract often causes specific symptoms, but the course of infection can be different each time, especially since this infection has a high tendency to recur. According to the latest guidelines of the Polish Society of Pediatric Nephrology, urinary tract infection should be suspected in any child with a fever (from 24 to 48 hours) with no identifiable cause, which may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms.
Aim. The aim of this paper is to identify the care problems of a pediatric patient with urinary tract infection and selection with the implementation of the correct model of nursing procedure.
Case study. A 9-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital due to a fever of 39.2°C, abdominal pain, vomiting and dysuria. The symptoms persisted for more than 24 hours and did not subside despite taking antipyretics and analgesics. There were features of dehydration resulting from fever, vomiting and low fluid intake. The patient reports great discomfort during urination. The girl and her parents have a very low level of knowledge about the disease.
Conclusion. When caring for a child with a urinary tract infection, a nurse has to deal with many serious nursing problems. Urinary tract infection causes a number of symptoms, the most important of which are: high fever, dysuric symptoms with accompanying pain, water and electrolyte balance disorders caused by vomiting, anxiety and fear of the patient and her parents in connection with hospitalization. The role of a nurse in the care and supportive and educational process should be based on current knowledge, scientific evidence, but also on an empathetic, understanding approach to the pediatric patient, with the ability to properly communicate with parents, as well as respect for dignity.
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