Belonging to a peer group and using psychoactive substances in terms of the preventive role of the nurse
youth, drugs, peer group, need to belongAbstract
Introduction. Adolescents’ self-esteem is an issue that deserves our attention. Puberty is a stage of many changes. It is a time of constant development, searching for one's place among peers. Adolescents feel a constant need to experiment, therefore they are exposed to addiction to psychotropic substances. Educational and preventive activities carried out by guardians and nurses play a significant role in preventing addiction and life-threatening situations.
Aim. The goal of the study was to investigate the need of belonging to a peer group and its impact on the initiation of the use of legal highs and smoking marijuana.
Material and methods. The research method used was the diagnostic survey method, the research technique was to conduct a survey, and the research tools were the KIDSCREEN questionnaires, PUN Test, PUM and the questionnaires of own authorship. The survey was carried out among 104 people aged from 16 to 19 years old.
Results. According to the analysis of research results, legal highs are becoming less and less popular, but marijuana’s number of recipients is increasing, which is influenced by the need of belonging to a peer group. As many as 23% of teenagers believe that smoking marijuana has improved their relationship with friends, most of whose also smokes.
Conclusions. Relationship with peers influences the decision to smoke marijuana, nonetheless it does not affect people taking legal highs. People who decide to initiate drugs intake are also not influenced by self-confidence, nor relationships with peers and parents.
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