Assessment of the patient’s current functioning and level of self-care after cardiac pacemaker implantation
heart pacemaker, cardiac arrhythmias, self-careAbstract
Introduction. Every year the number of people with arrythmia increases, both in young and old people. Cardiac pacemaker implantation gives a chance for safe and comfortable life. After the procedure, patients return to full life in most cases. Appropriate transfer of information about the nature of the implantation, care during and after the procedure by the medical personnel results in comfortable life of the patient until the end.
Aim. The aim of this study is to evaluate the current functioning and level of self-care of the patient after pacemaker implantation. The study involved 100 patients, including 35 women and 65 men, who were hospitalized in the cardiology department of the Regional Hospital in Plock.
Material and methods. A diagnostic survey was used in the present study, including an assessment scale and an interview sheet. The respondents provided written answers to a self-constructed questionnaire and the WHQOOL-BREF standardized questionnaire available on the website of the World Health Organization.
Results. The results of the study present the patients’ functioning before and after the treatment. Patients present a high level of knowledge about self-care after cardiac pacemaker implantation. In addition, the relationship between self-care and age, gender, education and place of residence was noted.
Conclusions. Implantation of cardiac pacemaker improves patient’s general health condition, described as good, and improves the functioning and comfort of life. Patients after pacemaker implantation fully accept their current situation. The level of self-care after the procedure in both physical and psychological aspect is at a satisfactory level. The level of knowledge is high due to the actions of the medical staff. Coexistent diseases, including diabetes mellitus and hypertension, have a significant impact on the outcome. The largest group for cardiac pacemaker implantation is males aged between 61-70 and 71-80 years. Patients after implantation in most cases, do not experience any undesirable complications, and when they do occur it is fatigue.
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