Assessment of the nutritional status and eating habits of primary school youth in terms of the selected risk civilization diseases
Admission. Eating habits are formed from an early age. Proper nutrition is considered to be providing the necessary amount of nutrients with meals for genetically programmed growth, physical and mental activity, and tissue regeneration.
Objective. The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional status and dietary habits of elementary school adolescents in the context of determining risk factors for civilization diseases in the studied group in the future.
Materials and methods. In this study the method of diagnostic survey and estimation was used. The study was conducted using the IZZ Questionnaire, a questionnaire survey of our own authorship, and anthropometric measurements (height, weight).
Results. With the help of the above-mentioned research tools, it was shown that the average achieved score of health behaviour among the studied group of people is 79.04 (SD=9.35), which qualifies it as an average score. 26% percent of the respondents consume sweets daily and 29% choose fast food at least once a week. The study found no correlation between BMI and health behaviors. 8% of people were overweight, while 13% were underweight. In contrast, respondents with normal BMI showed higher scores for health behaviors, positive mental attitude, and preventive behaviors.
Conclusions. Place of residence and age do not affect health behaviors, but there is a significant correlation between gender and RR values of the respondents and their health behaviors. Respondents show a risk factor of frequent consumption of sweets, fast-food.
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