Currency of people with body weight disabilities in peer group
body weight disabilities, currency, peer group, non-acceptanceAbstract
Introduction. Common disabilities of towards children at school age are body weight disabilities. We can rank to them a flesh, an obesity or body weight deficit. Except for somatic complications of body weight disabilities it also comes to mental complications that lead to anorexia, bulimia or depression. The main factors of that situation are intolerance and rejection from peers which has a negative impact on development and functioning of youth and children.
Aim. The thesis object was to assess the acceptance of people with body weight disabilities in group of children at school age.
Reference and methods. A hundred children from Primary School entered the research. The participation in research was voluntary and approved by parents. The children had to filled an anonymous questionnaire that had a sixteen questions and a metrics. BMI and Cole rate was the basis to emerged the body weight disabilities. The data were took in authorship worksheet. The respondents of research were students of V-VII class and had 11-14 years. It was 51% of girls and 49% of boys.
Results. According to Cole rate 62% of researching children had body weight disabilities. Approximately 30% of respondents stated their body weight as right but 36% saw problems with body weight disabilities with their peers. Over 70% of children with body weight disabilities own that they met with Lack of acceptance. Almost 65% of children reported to educator that they were fitness of intolerance towards peers.
Conclusion. Proportion of children with body weight disabilities totals over 50%. The children at school age notice the problems with body weight disabilities towards themselves and their peers. Children at school age experienced lack of acceptance because of their weight. Teachers loom large for unaccepted students.
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