The level of knowledge and the attitude of people applying for vaccinations to the need to vaccinate during a pandemic
preventive vaccinations, infectious disease prophylaxis, health promotionAbstract
Introduction. Infectious diseases pose a threat to humanity because of high level of mortality. Significant role in prophylaxis took preventive vaccinations which in a past years decreased number of infectious diseases. Correct realization of preventive measures depends mainly on persons awareness who are subjected to vaccinations or children guardians. The decision should be supported by a reliable source of information on immunization. Information supported by current medical knowledge should be obtained from medical personnel.
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and the attitude of people applying for vaccinations to the need for vaccinations in the time of a pandemic.
Material and methods. Materials for research was 100 patients of Medical Center Medica Ltd. Branch Prof.-Med. in Włocławek. Method taken was and a diagnostic survey, anquiet and estimation method. Used research tool was an Inventory of the State and Features of Anxiety.
Results. Most of respondents assessed their knowledge about preventive vaccines an average. Over the half of respondents vaccinated their child. In 62% of cases source of decision was pediatrician. Every third respondent said that source of decision was nurse in vaccine point. 14% of respondents said that midwife convinced them. Family, friends or media less often helped in decision taking. The respondent’s declarations showed that the main reason for vaccinating a child was the fear of the child becoming ill, complications, obligatory vaccinations and smoother disease transmission after. The least frequent reason for preventive vaccinations was pressure of the state and society and a penalty for failure. Most people believe that immunization program in Poland is necessary and it is right that is is mandatory. Every fifth respondent pointed that parents should have rights to choose about when and for which diseases their kid will get vaccinated. 6% are against mandatory vaccination program in Poland. Most of respondents say that vaccines are safety and always help in infectious disease combating. Definitely fewer respondents are of the opinion that with the current level of medicine, vaccines can be dispensed with, and none of the respondents considered vaccines harmful to health. Obtained data shows that fears and doubts on vaccinations appeared on part of respondents that went for vaccine. Among the reported concerns, the most frequently mentioned were complications and complications after vaccination. Over half of respondents positively assesses mandatory vaccines during pandemic. In 38% cases pandemic situation doesn’t have an influence on the necessity to implement vaccinations.
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