Nursing care for a child with Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease, child, nursing careAbstract
Introduction. Crohn’s disease belongs to the group of inflammatory bowel diseases. It is most often diagnosed in children and adolescents. Providing a child with multidisciplinary care, including nursing care, is crucial to improve the patient’s condition as soon as possible and lead to remission of the disease.
Aim. The aim of the study is to analyze the nursing procedurę in the care of a child with Xrohn’s disease.
Materials and methods. The study analyzes the literaturę on Crohn’s disease and the tasks performer by a nurse in caring for a pediatric patient with this disease.
Overview. The incidence of Crohn’s disease is influenced by a number of a factors. An important aspect of treatment is determining the stage of the disease and selecting an individualized therapy.
Conclusions. Crohn’s disease significantly affects the quality of life of a child. An important element in the work of a nurse caring for a child with Crohn’s disease is providing support and educating an adolescent patient and his parents.
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