Rola projektu rządowego European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 w działaniu Izby Gmin
DOI:łowa kluczowe
projekt rządowy European Union Withdrawal Act 2018, Partia Konserwatywna, opozycja parlamentarna, premier Theresa May, konwenanse konstytucyjneAbstrakt
This article analyzes the functioning of convention standards and rules in the behavior of the UK House of Commons. The basis for qualitative analysis was the European Union Withdrawal Act 2018 project. The solutions adopted in the British Parliament have developed differently, where the principle of parliament’s sovereignty is of fundamental importance. In the operation of the ruling party and the opposition, there are many differences regarding the possibilities of action: the legal basis and the legislative procedure of EU Withdrawal Act 2018. Violation of the legislative procedure of the governmental bill caused a violation of the rules of conduct of the state authorities. Recognizing constitutional conventions as an obligation requirement, the EU Withdrawal Act 2018 led to recognition as unconstitutional in the course of parliamentary work at the level of practice. The norms of conduct in force, constitutional conventions in a particular constitutional situation found in precedents and constitutional principles were justified in the beliefs of state authorities and recognition in a certain manner of conduct. Constitutional conventions were recognized as binding norms. The article presents reports of parliamentary committees on the meetings of the House of Commons. The ruling party and parliamentary opposition have become the subject of in-depth analysis of the material.
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