Postrzeganie kobiet w Korei Południowej przez pryzmat okupacji japońskiej w latach 1910–1945 – zderzenie konfucjańskiego porządku społecznego z sytuacją comfort women
DOI:łowa kluczowe
comfort women, okupacja japońska, przemoc wobec kobiet, konfucjanizm a kobieta, prawa kobietAbstrakt
The social situation of women in contemporary South Korea should be considered through the prism of various events taking place in the past on the Korean Peninsula. Although the state is modern, there is still no full equality between the sexes, and the women are perceived as subordinate to men. The reason of status quo is worth considering. Certainly one of the factors that had significant impact on this phenomenon was the comfort women social situation during World War II and thus during the 1910–1945 Japanese occupation in Korea and after its end. The aim of the article is to show the relationship between comfort women and contemporary perception of women in South Korea. Surely not only comfort women situation but also Confucianism has had an influence on Korean society.
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