Potential of Cooperation of Ukraine with Central Asia States and Its Key Concerns
https://doi.org/10.12775/HiP.2019.039Słowa kluczowe
Ukraine, Central Asia countries, geopolitical influence, world powers, multilateral cooperationAbstrakt
The research topic has been selected with importance of Central Asian region for Ukraine’s politics in mind, specifically Ukraine’s desire to develop mutually advantageous relations with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Ukraine is keen on identifying promising opportunities for deepening its relationship with these states to the benefit of both sides. The present article analyzes the key concerns in interactions between Ukraine and Central Asian countries in the current period of their independence and trends in development of cooperation with them in light of significant influence of major powers present in Central Asia. The paper presents the views of representatives of the scientific and expert community on the concerning issues, as well as on overall potential and prospects of Ukraine’s cooperation with Central Asian states. Assessments are made of how the state interests of Ukraine can best be achieved in the country’s policy towards Central Asian region, taking into account the evolving situation within and without it. The work focuses on the need for Ukraine to take advantage of geopolitical opportunities emerging in Central Asia, particularly in the context of dynamic development of political and economic processes in CAR region. The author discusses the possibility of implementing new frameworks to establish long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between Ukraine and Central Asian states, including the multilateral options for development of constructive relations with participation of the global powers. Finally, the author presents own vision of developing Ukraine’s cooperation with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in a manner ensuring Ukrainian interests in the region are attained within the framework of multilateral cooperation between CAR countries, world powers and Ukraine itself.
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