Hybrydyzacja obszarów badawczych środowiska (nie)bezpieczeństwa nie tylko w dyscyplinie socjologii
https://doi.org/10.12775/HiP.2018.006Słowa kluczowe
socjologia, bezpieczeństwo, środowisko (nie)bezpieczeństwa, hybrydyzacja, hybrydalnośćAbstrakt
Sociological exploration of topics related to broadly understood security is carried out using the following approaches or theoretical concepts: sociology of security, sociology of dispositional groups, sociology of risk and uncertainty or sociology of disasters and crisis management. The multiplicity of these areas of research of the (in)security landscape in the discipline of sociology is due to the adoption of different perspectives for the view of interesting investigators. However, each of them contributes to building a range of knowledge that strengthens the sensitivity of the social fabric to all kinds of threats. Ensuring security should be understood here as a conscious effort, supported by rationality, creating conditions for social development. The paper proposes the possibility of using supra-disciplinary logic to view issues related to security based on assumptions of hybridization. We would like to prove that the following thesis is justified from the point of view of contemporary challenges: The hybrid concept remains the most adequate analytical construction for issues related to ensuring security. Considerations on the hybridization of environmental (in) security research areas becomes an extremely interesting concept, filling in the “structural gaps” existing in the classical approaches of individual disciplines.
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