Znaczenie sekurytyzacji i sektorów bezpieczeństwa w ramach krytycznych studiów nad bezpieczeństwem
https://doi.org/10.12775/HiP.2018.003Słowa kluczowe
bezpieczeństwo, security studies, krytyczne studia nad bezpieczeństwem, sekurytyzacja, szkoła kopenhaska, sektory bezpieczeństwaAbstrakt
Since the 1980s, there has been a debate about the evolution of the notion of security and its dimensions. The Copenhagen School, and its key concepts such as securitization, and security sectors, closely keep up with this security discourse and criticize traditional paradigms that could not predict the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War. Therefore, the subject of this paper is to present the importance of main assumptions of critical security studies using the example of the Copenhagen School and the intersubjective approach to security in its multidimensional aspect.Bibliografia
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