Granica na Odrze i Nysie Łużyckiej oraz plan Rapackiego jako problem bezpieczeństwa w Europie na przykładzie relacji polsko-włoskich w latach 1945–1959
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Maria Pastor, granica na Odrze i Nysie, bezpieczeństwo w Europie, relacje polsko-włoskieAbstrakt
The border on the Oder and Neisse and the Rapacki Plan as a security problem in Europe on the example of Polish-Italian-relations 1945–1959
Article takes up the problem of Polish–Italian relations after the World War II and the question the Polish western border in these relations. The assessment of Italian politicians on the recognition of the border on the Oder and Neisse have been shown in the text, as well as the importance of this process for the geopolitical situation in post-war Europe. Background for the title issue was the question of the role and importance of Germany in the postwar order in Europe. Italian politicians had considered the German question as crucial for security in Europe and this dimension of foreign policy was superior for the Polish–Italian relations.
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