Gronostaj nieprzejednany : ewolucja roszczeń emancypacyjnych Bretończyków od kontrrewolucyjnej szuanerii po Wielką Wojnę 1914-1918
In this article the author describes the question of the Bretons and their rebellious attitude towards France, which was perceived by them as an occupatory force, centuries-old enemy and torturer. The emancipation of the Bretons started in fact since the French Revolution, during which a secret royal association was founded. The resistance against the ideas of the revolution was symbolized by Georges Cadoudal (1771-1804). His opposition towards Bonaparte’s regime led him eventually to public execution. Since that time collective affirmation of the past was the reason for the Bretons’ deep searching for their true identity, with some help of their nationalist ideologists. So, the year zero of the breton nationalism was 1898, when the Breton National Association (bret. Keuredigezh Broadel Breizh) was created. This was the source of all pro-Breton activities. Activists of the association were fighing for breton education at schools; some radicals boosted the slogan: “Brittony for the Bretons”. The author describes the process of creating the national symbols, efforts of implementation old druidal faith, and attempts to establish close ties between celtic nationsBibliografia
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