Księgozbiór opata trzemeszeńskiego Aleksandra Mielińskiego w zbiorach Archiwum Archidiecezjalnego w Gnieźnie
Canons Regular, Trzemeszno, Gniezno, Aleksander MielińskiAbstract
Aim: The article presents the collection of Aleksander Mieliński, the abbot of Trzemeszno, so far scarcely examined in the literature of the subject matter. Individual volumes were found during the inventory work carried out as part of the grant project at the Archdiocese Archive in Gniezno.
Research method: Bibliological analysis of volumes along with the analysis of ownership notes of the preserved collection.
Results/Conclusions: A preserved part of Aleksander Mieliński's book collection allows showing at least partly the intellectual horizons and reading interests of the owner. Numerous preserved original covers testify to the taste and passion of the holder.
Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie, sygn. 2338, Listy Staropolskie.
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