Religious services and the Sacrament of Confirmation – publications for children and youth in Poland in the years 1945–1949
services, confirmation, novena, adoration, children and youth, Poland, 1945-1949, historyAbstract
Aim: The aim of the article is to analyze publications for children and youth published in Poland in 1945-1949 which concerned the participation of this group in various types of religious services and the sacrament of Confirmation. The enclosed bibliography includes 30 items. Research method: The autopsy analysis was carried out on the basis of specimens preserved in the National Library. The discussed collection was divided into the following subgroups: adoration, novenas, miscellaneous services – with particular emphasis on the Stations of the Cross, the rosary and the sacrament of Confirmation. Within the highlighted types, individual publications are described in a chronological order. Conclusions: Most books were published in 1949 in 12 centers. For the most part, these were anonymous texts or their authors were exclusively priests. The most important publishers were professional publishing houses such as WAM from Kraków, “Jedność” publishing house from Kielce, monastic publishing houses (of Jesuits and Redemptorists and the Sisters of Loreto) along with occasional publishers, e.g. a parish office at the Church of St. Joseph in Tczew and secular publishers. Publications about the sacrament of Confirmation are characterized by a high degree of standardization. An extremely interesting phenomenon are the various translations of the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus.
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