Provenance research of old prints in the Library of Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU) in Toruń
history of book, history of libraries, provenance research, University Library in ToruńAbstract
The article presents the history of provenance research of old prints stored in the Library of NCU. The collections mentioned here were discussed in terms of their provenance, and literature concerning the subject was given. The reasons why there is no systematic ownership research of the whole collection were given (mainly the shortage of workers specializing in this kind of research). The article lists the main circle of readers interested in old prints from the Library of NCU, proving the necessity of continuing provenance research. Attention was paid to the new technology of working with old prints taking into account their individual features such as provenance, marginalia, covers. The article mentions a problem of creating the provenance bases on the local, national and international level in computer systems.References
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