A Note on the Architectural Layout of the Early Islamic Church on Sir Bani Yas Island, UAE
https://doi.org/10.12775/EtudTrav.36.004Słowa kluczowe
Sir Ban Yas, church, Gulf, archaeology, architecture, apse, early Islamic periodAbstrakt
It has been suggested that the church on Sir Bani Yas island, dated to the seventh–eighth century, originally had a tower rising over its south-eastern room. This would be a unique feature as other hitherto known churches in the Gulf dated to the early Islamic period did not have towers. One of the arguments for the existence of the tower has been the increased thickness of the northern wall of the south-eastern room. However, close examination of the remains reveals that the increased thickness of this wall is in fact related to the rectangular apse of the chancel. Other arguments used previously to support the claim that the church had a tower are critically assessed in this paper, which concludes that the Sir Bani Yas church had no tower and that its chancel had a rectangular apse, yet another architectural feature it shares with other early Islamic Gulf churches.
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