The Temple and Its Surroundings on Fabrika Hill, Paphos: Preliminary Results of the French-Polish Excavations (2018–2019)
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Hellenistic-Roman period Cyprus, Nea Paphos, Fabrika hill, temple, underground chambers, Byzantine burials, Medieval periodAbstrakt
The field research conducted in Paphos in the framework of a joint project of the Université d’Avignon and the University of Warsaw focuses on the southern part of Fabrika hill with the aim to understand its role in the urban life of ancient Nea Paphos. Two seasons of the fieldwork (2018–2019) yielded evidence for the arrangement and chronology of a temple site of the Hellenistic and early Roman period. A preliminary exploration of underground chambers strongly suggests that they may have been a part of the same sacred area as the temple. Moreover, several burials as well as some walls and floors testify to the use of the site during the Byzantine and Medieval period.
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