The Decoration of the Columns and Pillars from the Henket-ankh of Thutmose III (Western Thebes)
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New Kingdom Egypt, Henket-ankh, Temple of Millions of Years, architecture, decorative programme, pillar, column, Hathoric capitalAbstrakt
The Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III called Henket-ankh, located on the West Bank of Thebes, was probably an important and impressive monument of which very little remains nowadays. Previous work at the site, which started already in the first half of the nineteenth century, contributed greatly to the understanding and identification of this complex. The Spanish-Egyptian project that resumed the archaeological works at the site in 2008 improved our knowledge about the temple architectural and decorative features. This paper will focus on the characteristics and decoration of the vertical architectural elements with support function, that is to say columns and pillars, may have had in this temple. The fragments and blocks examined and the few architectural elements preserved in situ have allowed ascertaining of the existence in the temple of polygonal columns with sixteen sides, squared pillars, some of which were of Osiride type, and circular columns that were most likely crowned by Hathoric capitals.
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