Wpływy Narodowej Demokracji w województwie białostockim. Elity i ich rola w tworzeniu politycznych struktur endeckich (1919–1939)
The Impact of the National Democracy in the Voivodeship of Białystok. The Elites and Their Role in the Creation of the Political Structures of the National Democracy (1919–1939)At the time of the Second Republic the National Democracy (ND) enjoyed considerable support across the voivodeship of Białystok. The local population, in particular the inhabitants of former gentry villages, supported the National Democracy during elections to the Seym (1919, 1922, 1928 and 1930) and self–governments. The political sympathies of this particular group were reflected in its affiliation to parties and organisations associated with the National Democracy. The influence exerted by the national democrats in the titular voivodeship was consolidated by the politically engaged Catholic clergy. The majority of the National Democratic elites engrossed in political activity in the voivodeship in question commenced their political involvement before 1918. They comprised a formalised group belonging to ND party structures and social organisations politically connected with the National Democracy. The greatest authority and political impact belonged to members of parliament (particularly those in office for several terms, such as Kazimierz Lutosławski, Witold Staniszkis, Jan Załuska or Jan Harusewicz). Work conducted by local leaders of political structures was also of great importance for the implementation of the political bearing of the National Democracy in the region under discussion.Pobrania
Jak cytować
DAJNOWICZ, Małgorzata. Wpływy Narodowej Demokracji w województwie białostockim. Elity i ich rola w tworzeniu politycznych struktur endeckich (1919–1939). Dzieje Najnowsze [online]. 1 styczeń 2015, T. 47, nr 1, s. 33–44. [udostępniono 20.11.2024]. DOI 10.12775/DN.2015.1.02.
Studia i artykuły
Liczba wyświetleń i pobrań: 309
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