Douglas MacArthur w historiografii USA
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historia XX wieku, Stany Zjednoczone, Douglas MacArthur, historiografiaAbstrakt
Generał Douglas MacArthur, jedna z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych postaci w historii USA w XX w., do końca służby wojskowej (1951) był przeważnie wysławiany jako dowódca i orędownik demokracji. Następnie pojawiły się wątpliwości, a w dobie dominacji tzw. Nowej Lewicy odmówiono mu wszelkich osiągnięć na polu tak wojskowym, jak i militarnym. Ujawnienie nowych dokumentów u schyłku XX w. przyniosło stopniową i przynajmniej częściową rehabilitację.
Acheson D., Present at the Creation. My Years in the State Department, New York–London 1969.
Belmonte L.A., Anglo-American Relations and the Dismissal of MacArthur, „Diplomatic History”, Fall 1995, nr 19, s. 641–668.
Belmonte L.A., No Substitute for Virility. Douglas MacArthur, Gender and the Culture of Militarism, w: MacArthur and the American Century, red. W.M. Leary, Lincoln–London 2001, s. 436–465.
Brands H.W., The General vs. the President. MacArthur and Truman at the Brink of Nuclear War, New York 2016.
Brereton L.H., The Brereton Diaries, New York 1946.
Buhite R., Douglas MacArthur. Statecraft and Stagecraft in America’s East Asian Policy, Lanham (MD) 2008.
Chen Jian, China’s Road to the Korean War. The Making of Sino-American Confrontation, New York 1994.
Considine R., MacArthur the Magnificent, Philadelphia 1942.
DeWeerd H.A. (rec.), „The American Historical Review”, X 1956, t. LXII, nr 1, s. 163–165.
Dower J.W., Embracing Defeat. Japan in the Wake of World War II, New York 2000 (wyd. 1, 1999).
Dower J.W., Empire and Aftermath. Yoshida Shigeru and the Japanese Experience, 1878–1954, Cambridge (MA) 1988.
Dower J.W., The Emperor in War and Peace. Views from the West, w: idem, Japan in War and Peace. Selected Essays, New York 1993.
Eyre Jr J.K., The Roosevelt-MacArthur Conflict, Chambersburg (PA) 1950.
Falk S.L., Bataan. The March of Death, New York 1962.
Falk S.L., Decision at Leyte, New York 1966.
Falk S.L., Liberation of the Philippines, New York 1971.
Finn R.B., Winners in Peace. MacArthur, Yoshida and Postwar Japan, Berkeley 1993.
Gluck C., Entangling Illusions – Japanese and American Views of the Occupation, w: New Frontiers in American-East Asian Relations, red. W. Cohen, New York 1983, s. 169–236.
Govan T.P., Reminiscences by General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, „Journal of American History”, VI 1965, t. LII, nr 1, s. 163–164.
Hata I., Hirohito. The Shōwa Emperor in War and Peace, Folkestone 2007.
Heinl Jr R.D., Victory at High Tide. The Inchon-Seoul Campaign, Philadelphia 1968.
Herman A., Douglas MacArthur. American Warrior, New York 2016.
Hornbeck S.K., With MacArthur in Japan (rec.), „World Affairs” 1965, t. CXXVIII, nr 2, s. 117–119.
Hunt F., The Untold Story of Douglas MacArthur, New York 1954.
James D.C., The Years of MacArthur, t. II–III, Boston 1975–1985.
Kelley W.A., MacArthur. Hero of Destiny, Greenwich (CT) 1942.
Kelly F., Ryan C., MacArthur. Man of Action, New York 1950.
Kersten K., Jałta w polskiej perspektywie, Londyn–Warszawa 1989.
Langley M., Inchon. MacArthurs Last Triumph, New York 1979.
Long G., MacArthur as Military Commander, London 1969.
MacArthur and the American Century, red. W.M. Leary, Lincoln–London 2001.
Manchester W., American Caesar. Douglas MacArthur 1880–1964, Boston 1978.
Mayo L.S., Bloody Buna, Garden City (NY) 1974.
Morton L., Egoist in Uniform, „Harper’s”, XI 1964, nr 229, s. 138, 142, 144–145.
New Frontiers in American-East Asian Relations, red. W. Cohen, New York 1983.
Nicolay H., MacArthur of Bataan, New York 1942.
Nixon R., Leaders. Profiles and Reminiscences of Men Who Have Shaped the Modern World, London 1982.
O’Ballance E., The MacArthur’s Plan, w: MacArthur and the American Century, red. W.M. Leary, Lincoln–London 2001, s. 376–383.
Perret G., Old Soldiers Never Die. The Life of Douglas MacArthur, New York 1996.
Petillo C.M., Douglas MacArthur and Manuel Quezon: A Note of an Imperial Bond, „Pacific Historical Review”, II 1979, t. XLVIII, nr 1, s. 107–117.
Petillo C.M., Douglas MacArthur. The Philippine Years, Bloomington 1981.
Pogue F.C., George C. Marshall, t. II: Ordeal and Hope, 1939–1942, New York 1966.
Pogue F.C., George C. Marshall, t. IV: Statesman 1945–1959, New York 1987.
Pogue F.C., Reminiscences by Douglas MacArthur, „American Historical Review”, VII 1965, t. LXX, nr 4, s. 1140–1141.
Reischauer E.O., Japan. Past and Present, New York 1952.
Rovere R.H., Schlesinger Jr A., The General and the President and the Future of American Foreign Policy, New York 1951.
Schaller M., General Douglas MacArthur and the Politics of the Pacific War, w: The Pacific War Revisited, red. G. Bischof, R.L. Dupont, Baton Rouge–London 1997, s. 17–40.
Schaller M., MacArthur’s Japan. The View from Washington, „Diplomatic History”, Winter 1986, t. X, s. 1–23.
Schaller M., The American Occupation of Japan. The Origins of the Cold War in Asia, New York 1985.
Schaller M., The U.S. Crusade in China, 1938–1945, New York 1978.
Sebald W.J. (with Brines R.), With MacArthur in Japan. A Personal History of the Occupation, New York 1965.
Smith G., American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880–1964. William Manchester, Boston: Little, Brown 1978, 793 pp, „Foreign Affairs”, Summer 1979, t. LVII, nr 5, s. 1175–1177.
Taaffe S.R., MacArthur’s Jungle War. The 1944 New Guinea Campaign, Lawrence 1998.
Textor R.B., Failure in Japan. With Keystones for Positive Policy, New York 1951.
Textor R.B., Success in Japan – Despite Some Human Faibles and Cultural Problems, w: The Occupation of Japan. The Grass Roots, red. W.F. Nimmo, Norfolk (VA) 1991, s. 151–172.
The Occupation of Japan. The Grass Roots, red. W.F. Nimmo, Norfolk (VA) 1991.
The Pacific War Revisited, red. G. Bischof, R.L. Dupont, Baton Rouge–London 1997.
Toland J., The Rising Sun. The Decline and Fall of Japanese Empire, 1936–1945, New York 1970.
Tyrmand L., Cywilizacja komunizmu, Londyn 1992.
Weigley R.F., Military Biography without Military History, „Reviews in American History”, XII 1979, t. VIII, s. 571–576.
Whitney C., MacArthur. His Rendezvous with History, New York 1956.
Willoughby Ch.A., Chamberlain J., MacArthur 1941–1951. Victory in the Pacific, Melbourne–London–Toronto 1956.
Wiltz J.E., William Manchester’s American Caesar: Some Observations, „Military Affairs”, X 1979, t. XLIII, nr 3, s. 156–157.
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