Croatia’s Accession to the European Union – Reflections in the Light of Assumptions Relevant to International Organizations
European Union, Croatia, accession, international organisationsAbstract
Discussions on the methods of ratification did not undermine the existing policy on the admission of Croatia to the EU, and were merely the result of internal political disputes. Supporters of a position on the matter other than the government’s positions emphasized that they are advocates of Croatia’s accession to the EU, but the admission of a new country to the community atered, in their assessment, the strength and position of Poland in the EU and required ratification based of Art. 90 of the Constitution. After the rejection by the Sejm [the lower house of the Polish parliament] of the Law and Justice [PiS] draft resolution, which provided for the ratification of the accession treaty by a 2/3 majority vote, the government’s ratification bill was passed.
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