"Uczyńmy człowieka” Historia interpretacji teologicznej Rdz 1,26 od Filona Aleksandryjskiego po początek IV wieku
https://doi.org/10.12775/BPTh.2011.014Słowa kluczowe
Rdz 1, 27, Filon Aleksandryjski, tradycja rabiniczna, Teofil z Antiochii, święty Ireneusz, egzegeci aleksandryjscy, Tertulian, relacje trynitarneAbstrakt
The first chapter of Genesis has arguable the greater influence of the development of Christian exegesis and theology than did any other part of the Old Testament. Gen 1:26 is frequently commented on by the Christian authors, but Philo from Alexandria and the rabbinic tradition had given attention to the plurals in this text. The rich context of the Gen 1:26 appeared as the sources of anthropology, theology and Christology. Barnabas interpreted the plural in Gen. 1:26 as God talking to the Logos, an exegesis that later recurs in Justin and among the Christian apologists. The Trinitarian explanation one can found in Theophilus of Antioch. St. Irenaeus included in plural of Gen 1:26 the Son and the Holy Spirit (The „Hands of God”). The Alexandrian exegetes in third century developed their interpretation through philological and theological analysis of the biblical text. Tertullian included in the plural the activity of the incarnate Word and applied the „person exegesis” to Trinitarian relations. According to the predominant interpretation of the Christian authors, Gen 1:26 was addressed by the Father to the Son as a distinct Person. The texts provided to attack „the Jews” and „the heretics” who refused to recognize the second person of the Trinity in the Gen 1:26. The great Cappadocians in the fourth century understood the plural as expressing the Trinitarian mystery and activity of God.
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