Polish Scholars in the Service of Diplomacy: The Paris Peace Conference in 1919: People, Tasks, Dilemmas
the Paris Peace Conference (18 January 1919–21 January 1920); the Treaty of Versailles (28 June 1919); Bureau of Congress Work; Polish scholars; Polish diplomacyAbstract
The Polish diplomacy was formed even before Poland’s regaining independence, during the First World War. Its beginnings were created by the Regency Council established in Warsaw in 1917. One of the tasks of the emerging apparatus of power was to prepare for the upcoming peace conference. For this purpose, efforts were made to recruit a competent group of scholars, who were primarily members of the Bureau of Congress Work, operating from 26 November 1918. Scholars played an important role in the work of the Polish delegation during the peace conference in Paris, although not as great as they had expected.
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