The Origins of Comparative Research in Pedagogy: Friedrich August Hecht (Hechtius) and His De re scholastica Anglica cum Germanica comparata
This article presents Friedrich August Hecht, also known as Hechtius (1735–1818), hardly recognizable in the international comparatist community, including Poland. Hecht is the author of a treatise titled De re scholastica Anglica cum
Germanica comparata (1795–1798), in which he juxtaposed the essential features of English and German education, thus making one of the first comparative analyses in the field of education. The form of this work and the methodical approach Hecht used prompt us to conclude that his work should be treated as pioneering in the field of pedagogical comparative studies. Consequently, the role of the work and study by Marc-Antoine Jullien de Paris has been brought into question. This paper presents the key theses contained in Hecht’s treatise and describes his original methodological approach, which found followers in the 20th century. A detailed analysis of Hecht’s work has also enabled the identification of a potential area of further research, essential for a comprehensivestudy of his contribution to the development of comparative education research.
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