The reminiscence of the doctoral seminar of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Archive Studies Department from 1966 to 1974
Zakład Archiwistyki UMK, kształcenie archiwistów w UMK, seminarium doktoranckie z archiwistyki w UMK, seminarium doktoranckie Andrzeja Tomczaka, seminarium doktoranckie Zygmunta Kolankowskiego, seminarium doktoranckie Ireny Janosz-BiskupowejAbstract
Andrzej Tomczak began creating a doctoral seminar in 1965 and he invited Zygmunt Kolankowski, who had been the director of the Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). A little later, Irena Jarosz – Biskup was also invited to contribute to it. Both the alumni of the Torun Archive Studies Department, and the active employees of the Warsaw archives, took part in these seminars. The meetings had been held regularly, and the participants’ presentations had served as an opportunity for an animated debate on the subject of the archive-related problems. The seminar’s participants were inter alia: Olimpia Staron, Weronika Klonowska, Aniela Przywuska, Bohdan Ryszewski, Zdzislaw Chmielewski, Mieczyslaw Stelmach, Halina Robotka, Roman Marchwinski. The seminar led by Andrzej Tomczak was terminated at the beginning of the 1980s. Eleven degrees had been obtained in the course of the aforementioned seminar. (A. Tomczak conferred 8 PhD degrees; Z. Kolankowski – 2; I. Janosz-Biskupowa – 1) Five of the Tomczak’s doctoral degree recipients, later obtained professorships, three from among those received the titles from the President of Poland. His students’ seminars have, in turn, assisted in producing the next generation’s doctors.
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