Author Guidelines
The primary (reference) version of the journal is the paper edition, with the reference number ISSN 1895-9075.
The editorial team accepts texts to be published in Archiwa – Kancelarie – Zbiory (Archives – Chanceries – Collections). In order for a text to be published in a particular journal edition, the author must submit it by 30 June at the latest.
Texts can only be submitted via the Academic Journals Platform and must be saved as text files
Texts submitted to the Academic Journals Platform should be original, complete and previously unpublished. First of all, articles in Polish and English are accepted. However, we are open to the publication of articles in the languages of countries neighbouring Poland and are found in Polish archives (Russian, German, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Slovak and Czech).
Please prepare your text according to the following formula:
1. We do not set a maximum length for the texts to be published in AKZ.
2. Each scientific article submitted for publication in AKZ should consist of four sections:
a) introduction (characteristics of the research subject, presentation of the state of knowledge based on the literature on the subject, reasons for undertaking the research, its aim and research hypotheses),
b) materials and methods (characteristics of the sources used, indicating the places where they are stored, possibly the manner of obtaining information used in the research, discussion of research methods),
c) results,
d) discussion (referring the findings to the state of knowledge indicated in the introduction, conclusions, verification of research hypotheses, possibly the discussion of limitations which the author/authoress came across during the research, indicating the necessity of further works and their possible directions).
3. The text submitted to the ‘Studies’ or ‘Materials’ sections must be provided with:
a) a set of keywords in English,
b) an abstract in English,
c) references, footnotes and end-of-work bibliography, prepared in accordance with the guidelines in item 6.
4. Keywords and the abstract should be separately entered into the APCz submission form in step ‘3. Enter metadata’. In addition to these, the submitted article should be accompanied by:
a) a short biographical note about the author/authoress (it should be attached as a separate file with the submission in step ‘4. Upload additional files’),
b) a recent photo (in step ‘4. Upload additional files" as for the biographical note).
5. Keywords, abstract and author’s note:
a) keywords – a set of terms that describe the content of the text, which should also include all the relevant terms from the title and abstract of the article; it should be remembered that the term ‘keyword’ does not mean a single word, although we recommend that the longest ones should not consist of more than 3 words (with the exception of name keywords, e.g. official names of institutions presented in the text)
b) abstract – it should describe and reflect the content of the article and should be structured in accordance with the text; the abstract should characterize the reasons for undertaking the research, its objectives, methods used, results and conclusions; the abstract must not include footnotes, nor refer to the iconographic material included in the article.
c) author’s note – contains information on the academic title, position held, research interests and key publications to date.
6. Back matter:
a) AKZ uses the Chicago citation standard; both the descriptions that make up the end-of-work bibliography and those in the footnotes should be prepared in accordance with this style; a short guide to the rules specific to this standard is available online, see The Chicago Manual of Style Online,
b) the bibliographic list should be in alphabetical order, common to both studies and sources,
c) footnotes should be used with continuous numbering throughout the text, beginning with 1,
d) when citing archival material (kept in archives, but also in other heritage protection institutions), it is advisable to include references to the collection in the bibliographic list, references to the archived materials/manuscripts and pages in the footnotes; in both cases the descriptions should be accompanied by reference numbers relevant for a given network: a collection (in the bibliographic description) and the archived materials/manuscript (in the footnotes); in justified cases, specific documents may be cited in footnotes.
e) the description of a website included in the bibliography should consist of four elements: the title of the website, the title of the section, the date of publication, and the URL.
f) the date of publication should be provided in the description of all web materials (articles and also web pages, etc.); the access date should only be included in the description if the date of publication of the referenced content cannot be determined,
g) in the case of repeated references to sources of information (published and archived sources), no abbreviations should be used, with the exception of ‘ibid.’ to denote consecutive references to the same source of information in footnotes, together with the number of the relevant page, or page range, e.g. ‘Ibid., 7’ or ‘Ibid., 46–48.’
h) longer titles should be given in abbreviated form in footnotes; for titles of books or articles, the title abbreviation should not be longer than 4 words, without an ellipsis; for legal acts, the abbreviation should include the title abbreviation, the lawmaker and the date of publication,
i) bibliographic descriptions of works published in Slavic Cyrillic alphabets, names of archives and archival collections are published in the transliterated version in accordance with the ISO 9:1995 Information and documentation – Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters – Slavic and non-Slavic languages,
j) place of publication should be given - if possible - in English,
k) the list of literature and sources used in articles and editions submitted for publication should be attached at the end of each text; the same list should be included in the application form in APCz, in step ‘3. Enter metadata’.
l) example of bibliography entries of:
non-serial publications (authors’ independent publications, under editorship, parts of series, translations, e-books):
Bednarek, Jerzy, and Paweł Perzyna, ed. Standaryzacja opisu archiwalnego. Symposia Archivistica 3. Warsaw; Łódź: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej. Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu, 2016.
- footnote: Bednarek and Perzyna, Standaryzacja opisu archiwalnego, 72.
Brenneke, Adolf. Archivkunde: ein beitrag zur Theorie und Geschichte des europäischen Archivwesens. Edited by Wolfgang Leesch. Lepzig: Koehler & Amelang, 1953.
- footnote: Brenneke, Archivkunde: ein beitrag, 29.
Chmielewski, Zdzisław. Kancelaria miejska na ziemiach zachodnich i północnych w latach 1945–1950. Vol. 1. Szczecin: Wojewódzkie Archiwum Państwowe, 1982.
- footnote: Chmielewski, Kancelaria miejska, 1: 72.
Nielsen, Janne. Using Web Archives in Research: an Introduction. Aarhus: NetLab, 2016.
- footnote: Nielsen, Using Web Archives, 6.
Robótka, Halina, Bohdan Ryszewski, and Andrzej Tomczak. Archiwistyka. Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1989.
- footnote: Robótka, Ryszewski, and Tomczak, Archiwistyka, 49.
Ryszewski, Bohdan. Archiwistyka: przedmiot, zakres, podział: (studia nad problemem). Roczniki Towarzystwa Naukowego w Toruniu 76, Vol. 2. Warsaw; Poznań: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1972.
- footnote: Ryszewski, Archiwistyka: przedmiot, zakres, podział, 37.
Schultze, Ernst. O psychologji organizatora. Translated by Stefan Stosyk. Warsaw: sn, 1935.
- footnote: Schultze, O psychologji organizatora, 25.
Tomczak, Andrzej. Zarys dziejów archiwów polskich. Pt 2: Od wybuchu I wojny światowej do roku 1978. Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, 1980.
- footnote: Tomczak, Zarys dziejów archiwów polskich, 85.
Weber, Max. Gospodarka i społeczeństwo: zarys socjologii rozumiejącej. Translated by Dorota Lachowska. Biblioteka Socjologiczna. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2002.
- footnote: Weber, Gospodarka i społeczeństwo, 632.
unpublished theses (e.g. doctoral dissertations):
Białkowski, Michał. "Opozycyjna działalność Klubów Inteligencji Katolickiej w PRL w latach 1956–1980.” Doctoral thesis, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, 2011. University Library in Toruń, Old Prints and Manuscripts Collection, (Dr 2814).
- footnote: Białkowski, "Opozycyjna działalność Klubów Inteligencji Katolickiej," 78.
Karpiński, Tomasz. "Procesy akto- i archiwotwórcze w sądownictwie wojskowym w latach 1945–2010 na przykładzie sądów poznańskich." Doctoral thesis, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, 2013.
- footnote: Karpiński, "Procesy akto- i archiwotwórcze,” 42.
chapters (in monographs, articles in collective works and biographical dictionaries):
Dąbrowski, Adam G. "Stosyk Stefan." In Słownik biograficzny archiwistów polskich, edited by Ewa Rosowska, 3: 229–31. Warsaw: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, 2017.
- footnote: Dąbrowski, "Stosyk Stefan," 230.
Gołembiowski, Maciej, ed. "Bibliografia prac prof. dra hab. Bohdana Ryszewskiego." In Archiwistyka i bibliotekoznawstwo: prace dedykowane Profesorowi Bohdanowi Ryszewskiemu, 13–19. Warsaw: Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, 1997.
- footnote: Gołembiowski, "Bibliografia prac prof. dra hab. Bohdana Ryszewskiego," 14.
Laszuk, Anna. "Standardy Międzynarodowej Rady Archiwów – od praktyki do teorii?" In Teoria archiwalna: wczoraj – dziś – jutro, edited by Waldemar Chorążyczewski i Agnieszka Rosa, 227–46. Toruńskie Konfrontacje Archiwalne 2. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2011.
- footnote: Laszuk, "Standardy Międzynarodowej Rady Archiwów," 243.
journal articles and book reviews (scientific, magazine and newspaper articles, published traditionally and online):
Brückner, Aleksander. Review of Prawem i lewem. Obyczaje na Czerwonej Rusi w pierwszej połowie XVII wieku, by Władysław Łoziński. Biblioteka Warszawska 4 (1903): 168–84.
- footnote: Brückner, Review of Prawem i lewem, 179–81.
Chorążyczewski, Waldemar. "Bohdan Ryszewski." Archivní Časopis 62, No 1 (2012): 40–45.
- footnote: Chorążyczewski, "Bohdan Ryszewski", 42.
Derfert-Wolf, Lidia. "Archiwizacja Internetu – wprowadzenie i przegląd wybranych inicjatyw." Biuletyn EBIB, 1 (2012): 1–19.
- footnote: Derfelt-Wolf, "Archiwizacja Internetu," 17.
Horodyski, Bogdan. "Z pogranicza bibliotekarstwa i archiwistyki." Przegląd Biblioteczny 24, No 3 (1956): 201–12.
- footnote: Horodyski, "Z pogranicza bibliotekarstwa i archiwistyki," 210.
Król, Krzysztof. "Latarnicy sieci. Kulturowe funkcje państwa spełniają internetowi emigranci." Wprost, Septemer 27, 1998.
- footnote: Król, "Latarnicy sieci.”
Radtke, Irena, Herman Rappaport, and Bronisław Turoń. "Wyniki ankiety archiwalnej." Archeion 36 (1962): 121–36.
- footnote: Radtke, Rappaport, and Turoń, "Wyniki ankiety archiwalnej," 129.
Robótka, Halina. "Archiwa prywatne w powojennej archiwistyce NRD i RFN," Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Historia, 25 (1991): 41–70.
- footnote: Robótka, "Archiwa prywatne w powojennej archiwistyce," 56.
Smoczyński, Marcin. "Wkład Stefana Stosyka w proces usprawniania polskiej administracji." Archiwa – Kancelarie – Zbiory 10 (12) (2019): 169–213.
- footnote: Smoczyński, "Wkład Stefana Stosyka," 182–83.
Świderska, Karolina. "Jak się urządzić w biurze." Gazeta Wyborcza, September 22, 2009, sect. Mój Biznes.
- footnote: Świderska, "Jak się urządzić w biurze," 6.
encyclopaedia articles (including, if cited, from Wikipedia):
"Archiwistyka." In Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia, June 18, 2020.
- footnote: "Archiwistyka.”
Ulaŝik, Nikolaj Nikolaevič. "Litovskaâ Metrika." In Sovetskaâ istoričeskaâ ènciklopediâ, edited by Evgenij Mihajlovič Žukov, 8: 706. Moscow: Sovetskaâ Ènciklopediâ, 1965.
- footnote: Ulaŝik, "Litovskaâ Metrika," 706.
published legislation (in official journals and online):
"Decyzja nr 11 Naczelnego Dyrektora Archiwów Państwowych z dnia 23 października 2002 r. w sprawie porządkowania i ewidencjonowania dokumentacji kartograficznej w archiwach państwowych." General Director of State Archives, 2002.
- footnote: "Decyzja nr 11 Naczelnego Dyrektora Archiwów Państwowych z dnia 23 października 2002 r.," § 2.
"Przepisy kancelaryjne Urzędu Wojewódzkiego Olsztyńskiego." Olsztyński Dziennik Wojewódzki, No 1, POSN 1 (1947).
- footnote: "Przepisy kancelaryjne Urzędu Wojewódzkiego Olsztyńskiego."
"Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Budownictwa z dnia 6 lutego 1991 r. w sprawie sposobu i trybu ochrony znaków geodezyjnych, grawimetrycznych i magnetycznych oraz rodzajów znaków nie podlegających ochronie." Dziennik Ustaw Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej, No 15, POSN 70 (1991).
- footnote: "Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Budownictwa z dnia 6 lutego 1991 r.," § 10, PT 2.
websites and their contents:
Archdiocesan Archive of Gniezno. "Udostępnianie – Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie.” Accessed April 29, 2021.
- footnote: "Udostępnianie – Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie."
Magier, Dariusz. "Wyniki ankiety «Opracowanie w archiwach państwowych AD 2018»," July 17, 2019.ństwowych-ad-2018.
- footnote: Magier, "Wyniki ankiety «Opracowanie w archiwach państwowych AD 2018»."
State archives. "Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych – Aktualności." Accessed April 28, 2021.
- footnote: "Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych – Aktualności."
blog entries:
Dzimira-Zarzycka, Karolina. "Mydło Palmolive i kanadyjskie pięcioraczki.” Prenumeratorka (blog). Accessed January 7, 2021.
- footnote: Dzimira-Zarzycka, "Mydło Palmolive i kanadyjskie pięcioraczki.”
standards (e.g. ISO):
Polski Komitet Normalizacji, Miar i Jakości. Formularze – Blankiety korespondencyjne firmowe. PN-76/P-55315. Warsaw: PKNMiJ, approved July 7, 1976; withdrawn January 16, 2006.
- footnote: Polski Komitet Normalizacji, Miar i Jakości, Formularze – Blankiety korespondencyjne firmowe.
archival material:
Archiwum Roskie 1372–1911. Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw. 1/336/0.
- footnote (to document form archival unit): Piotr Piramowicz to Izabela of Poniatowscy Branicka, January 30, 1777, Archiwum Roskie, 1/336/0/1/66/001: 184.
- or footnote for an archival unit (see other examples in this section).
Komisje cywilno-wojskowe woj. lubelskiego 1790–1793. State Archives in Lublin. 35/17/0.
- footnote: Komisje cywilno-wojskowe woj. lubelskiego, 35/17/0/-/3: 5r,
Lozinskij Vladislaš (Lozinski Wladislaw) (1843–1913) istorik kulʹturi j mistectba, pismiennik, žurnalist i publicist. Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv. F. 135.
- footnote: Lozinskij Vladislaš (Lozinski Wladislaw), f.135/op. 1/40: 11.
Łoziński, Władysław. "O Towarzystwie lwowskiem przy schyłku XVIII stulecia przez Władysława Łozińskiego," 1872. 10020 I. Jagiellonian Library in Krakow.
- footnote: Łoziński, "O Towarzystwie lwowskiem," 7.
Mienicki, Ryszard. "Pamiętnik.” b.d. Rkp. 962 II. University Library in Toruń, Old Prints and Manuscripts Collection.
- footnote: Mienicki, "Pamiętnik," 5.
Ministerstwo Ziem Odzyskanych w Warszawie [1921,1925,1940–1944] 1945–1949 [1970]. Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw. 2/196/0.
- footnote: Ministerstwo Ziem Odzyskanych w Warszawie, 2/196/0/8/1547: 3–5.
Studencki Twórczy Klub Filmowy "Pętla” 1960–1976; 1981–1986. Nicolaus Copernicus University Archives. 309/215.
- footnote: Studencki Twórczy Klub Filmowy "Pętla,” 309/215/17: 3.
Youtube films:
IPNtvPL. Wdrożenie systemu "Cyfrowe Archiwum" w archiwach Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, 2013.
- footnote: IPNtvPL, Wdrożenie systemu "Cyfrowe Archiwum" w archiwach Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej.
Ooms, Jeroen, and Dirk Sites. cld2: Google’s Compact Language Detector 2 (version 1.2.1), 2020.
- footnote: Ooms and Sites, cld2.
7. The text of each article should be formatted according to the following formula:
a) typeface Times New Roman, size 12, in footnotes - size 10,
b) margins 2.5 cm,
c) spacing 1.5,
d) text aligned,
e) pages numbered in the bottom right corner with Arabic numerals,
f) black characters,
g) spaces between characters - standard, 0 points,
h) indentation 1.25 cm.
8. Relevant text elements:
a) quotations:
– quotations introduced into the text should be placed in inverted commas (do not use italics),
– sources should be quoted in the language of the original; the author may also add his/her own translation into Polish,
– omissions in the quoted text should be marked with an ellipsis in square brackets,
b) spelling of first names, surnames and other person-related expressions:
– it is important to retain the original spelling of names and surnames in the native language of the persons that appear in the text; the use of the Polish version of first names, surnames of persons may refer to: reigning monarchs, saints, Polonised foreigners or commonly known persons,
– names of persons mentioned for the first time in the main text or in a factual footnote (does not apply to bibliographic footnotes) should be quoted in full, in the further part of the text it is sufficient to give the surname alone,
c) abbreviations, dates and other expressions of time, numerals:
– digital notation with space-separation of rows of figures, e.g. 11 111, 222 222,
– generally accepted abbreviations should be used throughout the text; if obscure, questionable abbreviations are used, they should be explained the first time,
– for the notation of months in dates in the text, Roman numerals should be used,
– when using different styles (calendars), both dates should be given,
– if no day date is given, the month should always be given as a word, e.g. March 1953.
9. Graphs, tables and illustrations:
a) Graphs, tables and illustrations (drawings, photographs, photocopies, maps) used in articles should be pasted into a text file in the place where they are to be found in the publication; in the case of drawings, photographs, photocopies and maps, they should also be supplied as separate files,
b) the number and title should be placed above the graph, table or illustration; the source should be placed below them, observing the rules for footnotes.
10. In the body of the text, the following distinctions may be used: italics for publication titles and expressions in foreign languages, boldface and subtitles. Distinctions should be applied consistently throughout the text. Different categories of text elements should not be highlighted in the same way.