„Mieć sukces w Paryżu!” Kossakowie ojciec i syn podbijają Paryż
https://doi.org/10.12775/AE.2018-2019.023Słowa kluczowe
KEY WORDS, Juliusz Kossak (1824–1899), Wojciech Kossak (1856–1941), 19th-century and 20th-century Polish painting, Polish artists in Paris, Polish artists abroad, Polish art abroad, Polish-French relations, Marshal Ferdynand Foch (1851–1929)Abstrakt
Paris had attracted Poles since the end of the 17th century, both for political and artistic reasons. Artists could get an education, develop their careers, and become famous. Juliusz Kossak arrived in Paris in 1855 and spent five years in the French capital, which greatly influenced his creative work. Wojciech Kossak was born in Paris, yet, having spent his childhood in Poland, he returned to the French capital to study art. Later, he visited Paris several times; during one of his visits he painted a portrait of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, the victorious leader who contributed to re-establishing peace after the First World War. For Wojciech Kossak, his success in the artistic milieu of Paris was the highlight of his artistic career, notwithstanding his success in the Motherland. The essay discusses the visits of Juliusz and Wojciech Kossak to the French capital. It pays particular attention to Wojciech Kossak’s painting of Marshal Ferdinand Foch and the artist’s attempts to conquer Paris, which he saw as a synonym of artistic success.
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