Władysław Broniewski w Palestynie. Historia polityczna
https://doi.org/10.12775/AE.2018-2019.017Słowa kluczowe
KEY WORDS, Władysław Broniewski, Palestine, Israel, Jews, Zionism, refugees, emigration, communismAbstrakt
The article explores Władysław Broniewski’s political activity in Palestine, where he stayed between February 1943 and November 1945. It is the (hi-)story of a poet set against the backdrop of political and intellectual life of the Polish refugees in the Middle East. Broniewski, a poet of the revolution and the avant-garde, and a proponent of the left, is portrayed against the background of the events and tensions in the Zionist community, as well as in the centres of Polish power, both the communist one in Warsaw and the Polish government in exile in London, including their conflicting visions of the future of Poland. The article presents Broniewski’s friends and acquaintances from the time he spent in Palestine on the basis of rich epistolary materials and other press and archival sources. It also analyses Broniewski’s poems written in Palestine, which are considered not only interesting as a testimony of a refugee, but also represent significant compositions in his oeuvre.
Beinecke Rave Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
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Zbiory Archiwum Instytutu Polskiego i Muzeum im. gen. Sikorskiego w Londynie.
Zbiory Archiwum Muzeum Władysława Broniewskiego, Oddział Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza w Warszawie.
Zbiory z archiwum prywatnego autorki artykułu (listy Władysława Broniewskiego do Dawida Lazera).
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