Max Weber, emigracja i tożsamość artysty
DOI:łowa kluczowe
Białystok, emigration, École de Paris, the art of Białystok’s Jews, American painting, Armory Show.Abstrakt
MAX WEBER, EMIGRATION AND THE ARTIST’S IDENTITYMany artists who emigrated came from the Eastern regions of Poland. Max Weber is one of the most famous among them. He was a world famous artist, considered the creator of modern American art. He was born in a factory town in a family of a Jewish tailor Krywiatycki. When he was 10 he left his home town and moved to New York. He was interested in art from a very early age and he subjugated his entire life to plans linked with it. Weber’s creative activity took on several major turns, after his parents death the artist returned to traditional Jewish culture. The
content of this article is an attempt to find an answer to the question about the role of the place of the artist’s origin on the development of his creative interests.
Jak cytować
TOMALSKA, Joanna. Max Weber, emigracja i tożsamość artysty. Archiwum Emigracji [online]. 30 czerwiec 2013, s. 156–165. [udostępniono 11.2.2025]. DOI 10.12775/AE.2013.011.
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