Wyboista droga Macieja Giertycha do Polski Ludowej
https://doi.org/10.12775/AE.2013.009Słowa kluczowe
emigration, relations, PRL–emigration, political police (SB) to emigration, social and political activities.Abstrakt
MACIEJ GIERTYCH'S ROCKY ROAD TO THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF POLANDThe article concerns the actions of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (SB) concerning Maciej Giertych—who re-emigrated from the UK. Using their methods and information network the SB’s intention was to obtain information concerning the attitudes of the emigrants and the opinion on policy (both internal and foreign) from him. His father was to be a valuable source of information—Jędrzej Giertych, a known activist from the national camp, the opponent of the policy of the emigration (London) Stronnictwo Narodowe (National Party). The
paper presents the activities concerning Maciej Giertych, his views on basic issues such as: the policy of PRL, the communist regime, the democratic opposition, geopolitics (Russian orientation). The SB’s actions towards Maciej Giertych did not end in recruiting him. However until the end of the PRL he was under SB’s strict control and observation.
Jak cytować
SIKORSKI, Tomasz. Wyboista droga Macieja Giertycha do Polski Ludowej. Archiwum Emigracji [online]. 30 czerwiec 2013, s. 125–142. [udostępniono 23.1.2025]. DOI 10.12775/AE.2013.009.
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