„Rozmowy prowansalskie” — polscy malarze na południu Francji od 1909 roku do dziś
https://doi.org/10.12775/AE.2011.019Słowa kluczowe
Polish art in France, Polish art of the 20th century, École de Paris, M. Kisling, Sz. Mondszajn, H. Hayden, K. Zielenkiewicz, W. ZawadowskiAbstrakt
The current state of research on the circle of Polish artists in France in the 20th century is quite advanced, mainly thanks to the publications of Ewa Bobrowska, Anna Wierzbicka, Joanna Szczepińska-Tramer from recent years. The Author completes the research with traces left by Polish painters in the South of France. The Polish colony in Provence played a huge role in the development of Polish painting in the 20th century. It is sufficient enough to mention such names as: Moishe Kisling, Szymon Mondszajn, Henryk Hayden, Zygmunt Menkes, Kazimierz Zielenkiewicz, Wacław Zawadowski, Sasza Blonder, Ludwik Klimek, Józef Jarema, Maria Sperling and the group of Józef Pankiewicz’ students—so called The Capists. The article brings a description of that circle, mutual relations among the painters and Polish writers who lived there, and it identifies works of art that came into being in the South of France.
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