Didactic biomechanics: a modern trend of scientific research
video recording of motor action technique, drills of "elbow lever outward", "elbow lever inwards" and "throw with legs grab behind".Abstract
Topicality. Human movements obey all the physical laws that determine the motion of any material body on the Earth. They include the law of gravity, and Newton's laws, and the laws of hydro-aeromechanics, vibrational and wave phenomena. The vast majority of human movements are performed for a specific purpose and are arbitrary. Such movements are part of motor actions, a set of elementary motor acts aimed at achieving a certain goal. Each motor act consists of indicative, executive and control parts. Human movements and their improvement should be considered as the result of not just interaction with the external environment, but also interaction in which the physical properties of the external environment are purposefully changed. This means that in this way one can purposefully influence the very nature of movement through the adaptive motor reactions of a human in a continuous interaction with the external environment (which can be called external control). Thus, there are internal and external control systems in the management of movements, the coordinated operation of which allows building a motor action of a human. The task of the study is to conduct a comparative biomechanical analysis of the technique of performing the techniques of "elbow lever outward", "elbow lever inward" and "throw with legs grab behind" by experienced workers and cadets of the fourth year of study with the help of optoelectronic system "Qualisys". Research methods. To achieve the set tasks, we have applied such research methods as analysis of scientific and methodological literature as well as documentary materials, methods of registration and analysis of athlete's movements (system of video recording and analysis of athlete's movements, 3D recording of human movements "Qualisys Motion Capture"). The results obtained during the study have been processed with the help of mathematical statistics methods. Results of the research. The results of research indicate the presence of general differences in the technique of performing these drills (total duration of a drill performance; phases for motor tasks solution (parallelism or sequence of motor actions); technique of motor actions)) as well as partial differences, which are characteristic of individual components of a particular technique (duration and the sequence of individual actions in the overall structure of the movements; the nature and features of their implementation). The main difference, which also serves as the most important biomechanical criterion for the effectiveness of technique implementation, is the time duration. Conclusions. The results of comparative analysis of techniques, performed by experienced employees and cadets of the fourth year of study allowed to establish that the composition of motor actions is the same in these groups, i.e. there are seizures, there are strikes, medial and lateral rotations of the upper imaginary offenders’ extremities and more. One of the most important features is the structural sequence of these motor actions.References
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