Active flexibility in girls before and after the annual cycle of stretching classes
joint mobility, high school age girls, motor tests.Abstract
Background and Study Aim: the decrease of motor activity among the younger generation and reducing interest in traditional physical education lessons requires finding ways to attract students to specially organized motor activity. The aim of the study is to analyze the indicators of active flexibility and mobility in the joints of the spine after an annual cycle of extracurricular stretching classes. Material and Methods: We involved 35 high school girls (15-16 years old) in the study. Mobile tests were performed (control exercises and tests): bending the trunk forward from a standing position and from a sitting position, bending and unbending the cervical spine, bending the thoracic and lumbar spine, bending the trunk to the right and to the left from a standing position, the rotational ability of the spine to the sides, the exercise "Bridge" (calculated in conventional units). Results: After a year of systematic stretching classes, the level of joint mobility and overall flexibility increased in the study participants. At the beginning of the study, the vast majority of high school girls had average and below-average levels of physical fitness. At the end of the study, the level was above average. There is a certain correlation between the indicators and the statistical significance of the results obtained. Conclusions: it can be argued that specially organized motor activity in the form of stretching classes changes the mobility indicators in large joints and joints of the spine.References
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