Morphobiomechanical peculiarities of football players aged 11–13 years
football, young athletes, morpho biomechanical features, functional musculoskeletal system disorders.Abstract
Background. Modern sports practice, numerous scientific studies show that the world sports peaks can be conquered only by especially talented athletes who, firstly, have a pronounced natural inclination to achievements in a particular sport, and secondly, who managed to implement them in long-term improvement process. Materials and Methods. The number of respondents involved in the observational experiment stage was n = 130 players of 11–13 years old. The paper used professional scientific and methodological literature reviews, pedagogical observation; anthropometry, adolescent’s posture analysis was performed using "Torso" program, mathematical statistics methods. Results. The videometry results, which are confirmed by an orthopedist, established the dynamics of functional state deterioration of musculoskeletal system. The study that examined the body length parameters in young players with different posture types, determined that among athletes aged 11–12 years, the highest body length values were in players with scoliotic posture and round back. In athletes aged 12–13 years, the highest average body weight values were typical for players with round back posture type and the lowest for flat back players. Conclusions. Characteristic posture features of the studied contingent have been established: normal posture was observed in 50% of football players aged 11–12, and 42.85% of football players aged 12–13. The most common functional musculoskeletal system disorder in young athletes is scoliotic posture, which is found in 26.66% of 11–12 year old players and 28.57% of 12–13 year old players. The second in the number of detected functional musculoskeletal system disorders in young football players is a round back observed in 16.67% of 11–12 year olds and 17.15% in 12–13 year old athletes. The data obtained indicate that the problem of functional musculoskeletal system disorders in young athletes is more acute than ever.References
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